IS POI Boden von NRW - Datensatz
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IS POI Boden von NRW - Datensatz
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Additional Info
Field | Value |
Maintainer | Geologischer Dienst NRW |
Last Updated | Oktubre 23, 2024, 10:25 (+0200) |
Created | Oktubre 23, 2024, 10:25 (+0200) |
Alternate identifier | {700bab84-9c6e-47b8-b37b-24f90ed34069} |
Identifier | 700bab84-9c6e-47b8-b37b-24f90ed34069 |
Issued | 2020-09-16 |
Language | |
Modified | 2023-07-21 |
access_rights | |
contactPoint | [{"maintainer": "Geologischer Dienst NRW", "maintainer_email": "", "maintainer_tel": "tel:+4902151897-0", "maintainer_street": "De-Greiff Str. 195", "maintainer_zip": "47803", "maintainer_city": "Krefeld", "maintainer_country": "Deutschland"}] |
contributorID | {} |
dcat_type | |
harvest_object_id | 11cc71f4-70ff-4907-a4f4-f74f0605976a |
harvest_source_id | 9e1a3196-fb04-457b-b3ed-5d052fe4ba35 |
harvest_source_title | GeoPortal-Fassaden |
maintainer_city | Krefeld |
maintainer_country | Deutschland |
maintainer_street | De-Greiff Str. 195 |
maintainer_tel | tel:+4902151897-0 |
maintainer_zip | 47803 |
metadata_original_name | 700bab84-9c6e-47b8-b37b-24f90ed34069 |
metadata_original_portal | |
opennrw_blockchain_check | true |
opennrw_dataprovider | GEOportal.NRW |
opennrw_datapublisher | Geologischer Dienst NRW |
opennrw_geodata | false |
opennrw_groups | ['Umwelt', 'Regionen und Städte', 'Wissenschaft und Technologie'] |
opennrw_openness_score | 1 |
orig_dcat_theme | {,,} |
original_tags | ["Boden", "Punktdaten", "Lackprofile", "Bodenfeuchte-Messstationen", "Soil", "geo", "opendata", "geo"] |
publisher | [{"publisher_name": "Geologischer Dienst NRW", "publisher_email": "", "publisher_tel": "tel:+4902151897-0"}] |
publisher_tel | tel:+4902151897-0 |
spatial | {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[5.81, 54.76], [15.77, 54.76], [15.77, 47.26], [5.81, 47.26], [5.81, 54.76]]]} |